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[KIT] 3 Basic Ways For Long-term Remembering

When we talking about “Long-term remembering” we might have our own personal technical or tips for ourselves to remember. When I joined Kirirom Institute of Technology, there are so many subjects especially main subjects that required me to understand and remember in order to pass the exam, after I found those tips I can help myself to understand and remember at least 80% of the lessons till this day. Those tips are note, read, and re-watch the record lessons.

1. Note

Note In Book (Re-write)” is one of the key things that helps me to remember. During the study in the class, I always take note in my notebook or sometimes on my laptop because I think that it is one of the practice ways to remember the one you note in your notebook or laptop you can re-write it so that you can understand and remember more after the session because if we don’t note or write it again the percentage of remembering will drop from 90% to 50% or lower than.

2. Reading

Reading is a really important part of these three tips. Once the lecturer gives us the explanation in the class, I need to seek more information on the internet or in the book that related to the lessons because reading more information can help coming up with new ideas into what the professor lectured us in the class.

3. Re-watch the record lessons

In Kirirom Institute of Technology, there is one drive that all students can access to find the recorded lessons. I always seek recorded videos of the lessons because when we read and rewrite, it may help us a lot to remember but if we added rewatch the recorded videos it boosts us more to remember and understand for the long term period.

Those are my basic personal tips in order to remember and understand if it is work for you please leave the comments or you also can share with us your personal tips too.

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    • nana

    Thanks for sharing

      • Kao Ratana

      Thank you for your comment

    • Jessica

    i found it is similar to my hobby