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[KIT]How to move on from something

Sometimes it is hard to forget the past and get out of it. People live in different situations and face different problems. Even some people might stay in the worst situation, but whatever problems there is always a way to get out of it. There are many problems that come to lives like divorce, abandon, break up and much more. You can choose to give up or else just find a way to get out of those problems. Well, I am sure we should try to solve the problem because it would be better if we take action so there is also a change that can happen. In this article,  I will guide you to move on what you cannot forget and set yourself fresh with productivity again.

  1. Forget

People can remember bad things rather than good things easily. So It is very difficult to forget. Some people even remember bad things and keep reminding them for the rest of their lives. It is a bit hard to forget, but we still have solutions to forget things. You can try with what makes you happy and try to forget things you feel guilty about. People can make mistakes, but if you want to take responsibility for what you did wrong then try to do it. In some cases, we cannot help in our mistakes because once you do it then there is nothing to recover or solve it. This case is very painful if you realise that you made the mistakes you will regret, but sometimes you need to let things go because there is no way to solve that and make sure to try to avoid the same mistakes again.

2. Focus on present

Past is what already happened so in order to move forward, you just learn from the past and what the important thing is don’t put yourself too much in the past. You have to focus on the present and face all problems which happen currently in your life. Try your best to make your current situation as good as possible so that your life will be beautiful.

3. Live yourself happily

Try to make yourself happy and enjoy every moment of your life. You can set what you want to do and accomplish them as you like. Arrange yourself properly with daily tasks and you can come up with new activities that can make you happy or improve your productivity. Life is invaluable so spend your life wisely with all you have. Don’t take your time just being sad instead make yourself happy.

To sum up, regretting, feeling guilty, stucking on something and whatever problem, the action you should take is to trust yourself and be confident in every situation so that you might solve it or make things better. Don’t easily give up and things will be better as you never drop out your goal. 

This article is what I have experienced so far in my life and I believe there might be some more techniques to help you to move on from something that always haunts you like shadow. These three techniques above, I have applied them on myself and it works well. I hope you enjoy the article and if you have any questions or you want to share your opinion, always open to mail me via this email meng.lavy19@kit.edu.kh.

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