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[KIT] Top 3 Universities In Cambodia For Student Interested In Major of Tourism

Tourism and Hospitality Management is one of the popular majors among Cambodian students as well as Asian students to choose as their career job. After graduating from bachelor of art major in tourism or hospitality management, they can involve or work in different kind of industry not only Tourism Industry such as Sociology, Economics, Psychology, Law, Business and Marketing, Agriculture and Ecology, Geography, Education, Urban and Regional Planning, Parks and Recreation, Transportation, Political Science, and other more industries. So, If you want to study this major these 3 universities you should consider.

1. Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)

Royal University of Phnom Penh is in rank number one university in Cambodia. The University with Tourism department established in 2001 following the success of the one-off Master’s Program in Tourism Management. Start from the second year the major courses they look into Cambodia Tourism Product, Tourism, Government and Policy, Principle of Management, and other courses that related to tourism. Students graduate with a polished understanding of business management, environmental planning, economics, psychology, cultural studies, geography, marketing, and management, as well as specific tourism sectors, such as airlines and transportation, tour operations hospitality, and attractions management.

This university located at Russian Federation Boulevard, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

2. Pannasastra University of Cambodia (PUC)

Pannasastra University also well known as the university provide Tourism Management courses. For the foundation year the courses look into Cultural Anthropology, Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality, ASEAN Tourism Products, and other subjects. Second-year, They look into Essentials of Tourism & Hospitality Accounting, Tourism and Hospitality Marketing, Customer Service, and other subjects.

Address: Building No. 89 Street 313, Sangkat Boengkak II, Khan Tuolkork, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia. 

3. Kirirom Institute of Technology (KIT)

Tourism Management Department in Kirirom Institute of Technology is the second department established in 2018 with local students and international students (Khmer and Japanese) with lecturers from different countries such as Cambodia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, and India. The school provides sponsorship 100% to the students for academics, food, and dormitory.

The Tourism Management Program in KIT is to promote an understanding of successful management and leadership practice in tourism and hospitality contexts. Students gain actual industry experience during the internship or work placement semester. In addition, this course promotes continuous engagement with industry experts.

The university located on Kirirom Mountain, Kampong Speu, Cambodia.

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    • nana

    thank for sharing

      • Kao Ratana

      thank you

    • Jessica

    Thanks for your wonderful article