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[KIT]Reasons why you should eat on time

When you grow older and older, you tend to be more busy than when you were young because you have a lot of responsibilities to take care of such as school assignments, work, family, relationships, etc … . Since you are so busy, you do not have time to take care of your health, especially your eating diet. Stomach is suffered the most because when you are so focused, you do not want to eat anything or delay the eating time and break the cycle. This is very harmful because you may get sick, especially stomach ache which commonly happens to most people. There are a few reasons why you should eat on time. 

A healthy diet, good sleep cycle and eating on time are very essentials in our life. They are in our control and we must make sure to maintain them by doing good habits. Therefore, it is very important to be disciplined with all your meal timings in order to maintain the healthiness of the body. If the body goes down, the mind goes with it. So, you have to keep your body strong and healthy. But how do you do that? It is very simple. You just have to eat on time daily and make it a habit. For example, you wake up at 7 in the morning. You finish exercise and take a shower at 8 a.m. Thus, you should eat your breakfast at 8:30 a.m everyday. Then, you go to work or study at school until 11 a.m . Then, you should eat at 11:30 a.m or 12 p.m daily. Then, you come back to work and do all the errands and leave at 5 in the evening. You come home take a shower and let yourself dry. Do not eat right after shower, it will make you feel uneasy. And if you want to eat then take a shower, it will make you even more uneasy. Once you make this a habit, you will hardly get sick easily. So what is really happening behind the scene here. First, you will increase your metabolism speed to the maximum. As you know, metabolism breaks down what we eat to energy. If this thing works slow then you will have no energy to do your daily tasks. So to maintain this you have to eat on time and regularly. Our body remembers the time you eat so only on that time your metabolism is strong. Second, it boosts your immune system. Especially the liver, which does all the work by filtering out the toxic in our body. Liver does this during our sleep so if you like to eat before sleep, it will double or triple the workload on your liver and could potentially damage your liver. So, what is the perfect time to eat dinner and sleep? You should eat dinner at 8 p.m and sleep at 10 p.m because the food you consumed may already be digested.

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