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[KIT]Will VR technology change the future?

When we are talking about VR, a lot of people think about movies like “Ready Player One” “Tron Legacy” or some other advanced technology. Those films look futuristic and entertaining, but to be real some people don’t even know that VR already exists in our current time, especially in developing countries. So based on what we see in VR today, can it be the technology that changes the future?

To talk about that let’s first talk about what exactly is VR, Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that appear to be real, making the user feel they are immersed in their surroundings. This environment is perceived through a device known as a Virtual Reality headset or helmet. VR allows us to immerse ourselves in video games as if we were one of the characters, learn how to perform heart surgery, or improve the quality of sports training to maximize performance and a lot more.

Even though it sounds great but compared to those movies we’re still far behind, But we are talking about the future, So can we catch up with it? Now let hear about the opinion from tech giant leader opinion in this wonderful technology:

‘One of the things that [VR] will unlock is the ability to live anywhere you want and be present in another place and really feel like you are there,’ Mark Zuckerberg the Facebook CEO told the assembled listeners on Clubhouse.

‘The Hololens is pretty amazing. Microsoft has put a lot into the chips and the software. It is the start of virtual reality. Making the device so you don’t get dizzy or nauseous is really hard the speed of the alignment has to be super, super fast. It will take a few years of software applications being built to realize the full promise of this.’ Bill Gate former earth richest person and as well the CEO of Microsoft answering to a user on reddit.

‘Virtual reality is a completely unique experience and still evolving. VR is still in the very early stage and one potential evolution of VR is mixed reality.’  Said Ushida CEO of Sony, the world most leading company in VR Technology.

With these 2 giant word about VR and as well their interest and investment in VR technology researching and development it’s really a high chance that we’ll be able to catch up with the technology that’s been shown in “Ready Player One” but about how long that it’s going to took, how powerful it can be no one can answer these questions yet. 

So, as a person that’s really interested in VR technology, I also recommend developers and as well my college if possible to spend some time to check out more about VR and its potential in the future. Because sooner or later VR will come to replace the smartphone and become the new main technology that’s needed by the whole world. As promising as I mentioned VR also having one main competitor “Augmented Reality” which I will detail in the next article in Waca blog.

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