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[KIT]How to play Ling hero in Mobile Legend

  1. Recommend build and the emblem set up.
    These are the items Ling should build; however, it is varied according to the game.
    Raptor Machete
    Endless Battle
    Berserker’s Fury
    Blade of the heptanes
    Blade of Despair
    Queen’s Wings
    Assassin Emblem with Bounty Hunter.
    In the late game, he can replace Raptor Machete with Demon Hunter Sword. I have noticed that a lot of players like to build him Demon Hunter Sword right from the start, but I personally feel like that’s more of a late-game item. If we build it too soon, he kind of lacks damage in the early game. But this item is still great, especially for solo taking the Lord and against the late game tanks. Ling is so an OP hero that even a newbie would still be able to get some kills here and there.
  2. Using Skills
    You should max his second skill first because that’s his main source of damage. Always take the blue buff before doing anything else, Ling is very similar to Fanny in terms of energy usage. If he doesn’t have the blue buff, he will run out of energy extremely fast making him a pretty mediocre hero. When you are on the top of a wall, you can use his second skill to inflict more damage and slow down the enemies. When playing Ling, you want to be pretty active at roaming around the map. You want to capitalize on his high mobility.
  3. Casting his ultimate
    while casting his ultimate, if you pay close attention, you can actually see where the blades are going to land on. In case you don’t know, you can preemptively use the second skill even before the ultimate casting animation is over. This way you can reset his second skill instantly and inflicts the maximum amount of damage in the shortest period.
  4. Energy Usage
    When playing ling, it’s a good idea to allow him to take the blue and the red buff, this way he can come online a lot faster. Because in the early game, Ling struggles a little bit dealing a significant amount of damage. If you see that his energy is running low, you should save some energy and not use his second skill while attacking the jungle monsters. It might take just a little bit longer, but it’s important to have enough energy for the team fights. Just waiting for the ultimate and regaining a bit of energy first, before engaging the enemy.
  5. Roaming
    If the enemy has a marksman, I would recommend to always gank their lane first. It’s probably the easiest and it’s always a good idea to shut down their marksman right from the start. After farming or roaming around for a while, just keep putting pressure on the enemy’s marksman. Ling is such a broken hero; he can be anywhere in a matter of seconds. You need to be prepared in order to grab the opportunity when it shows up.

There are three kinds of marksman, so let’s categorize them first. The one that solely relies on raw damage such as Granger and Yi Sun-Shin. For this kind of marksman, you should mainly focus on more attack power. Therefore, you should build them Blade of Despair and Endless Battle as soon as possible. And then in the late game, build them Malefic Roar.

The ones that rely on attack speed and passive abilities such as Claude, Karrie, and Wanwan. These are the only marksmen that you should ever consider building Demon Hunter Sword and Golden Staff.

As for the rest of the marksman, you should build them with critical items. But there are two ways to build them. The ones that have a dash skill should build Scarlet Phantom and the ones that don’t, it’s better to build them Windtalker for the extra mobility. Never forget to build them Berserker Fury for these kinds of marksmen, because without that item, you marksman would deal a lot less damage. In the very late game, you can replace the attack jungle item for Malefic Roar for that extra damage.

And as a rule of thumb for any marksman, it is a good idea to always build at least one defensive item for the late game such as Queen’s Wings, Immobility, Wind of Nature. And if the enemy’s main damage dealer is a mage, then Athena’s Shield is also a great defensive item for the late game

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