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[KIT] Best Repositories in GitHub for Blockchain Developer

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Network, Virtual, Currency


Ethereum logo

Go Ethereum is one of the three original implementations (along with C++ and Python) of the Ethereum protocol. It is written in Go, fully open source and licensed under the GNU LGPL v3.
Go Ethereum is available either as a standalone client called Geth that you can install on pretty much any operating system, or as a library that you can embed in your Go, Android or iOS projects. Read More
Go Ethereum got 28.4k Stars, 10.5k Forks, and more than 580 contributors.


Diem Logo

Diem Core implements a decentralized, programmable database which provides a financial infrastructure that can empower billions of people. Diem’s mission is to build a trusted and innovative financial network that empowers people and businesses around the world. Read More
Diem Repository got 15.7k Stars, 2.4k Forks, and more than 172 contributors.

3/ awesome-blockchain-cn

This repository collects all the necessary lessons and repositories related to blockchain. Click me to explore.
awesome-blockchain-cn got 15.3k Stars and 3.2k Forks.

silver and black round coin

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