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[KIT]Easy ways to get your homework done fast

Source image: https://pixabay.com/vectors/reading-student-learning-study-23296/

Work in a comfortable and bright environment

Try sitting at a table in a comfortable chair. Avoid doing housework on the floor or on your bed, as these places can easily make you drowsy and dizzy.

Eliminate distractions by discarding your electronics and isolating yourself

Turn off your cell phone, turn off the TV, and turn off the door. Let your family and friends know that you are busy so they can not be bothered and you can easily finish work.


At the beginning of each task or subject, start the timer with the minutes you want to complete your task. You can look at the timer to see how much time is left and how much time you have left. b

For my experiences:

When I was in high school, I used to submitted my homework late. If there were two days in one day, I never finished it before the deadline or did it by myself. I always copied my friend’s homework in school. I though, it was very hard to do more than one homework in one night so I did not do it and try to make an excuse or go to school early to copy some homework. Until one day, I decided to change my bad habit of did not do my homework because when the exam appear, the question always similar to the homework question.

First: When I try to do my homework, I always find a good place to do it like place without a bed or television or a place that has light and it is not too dark so I will not aspect your eyes. If you find yourself a comfortable spot, you will not try to stand up when you are sitting with a comfortable chair or go to the bathroom.

Second: Avoid a place that has a lot of people, music or a lot of noise. If you find yourself a good spot, you will finish your homework in no time because it does not have anything to distract you and you can focus on your homework easily.

Third: When there were a lot of homework, I try to think which one is the nearest to the deadline and which one is the longest to furthest to the deadline. I try to solve this program by making a schedule and it was very helpful.

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