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[KIT] Fasting

You have tried working out and your fat is not burning as much as you anticipated. Do you feel like the time and effort that you have put into working out isn’t resulting in as much progress as you want it to ? Maybe you have only taken exercising into account without  even thinking about what you eat, which could result in you doing more and gaining less progress. The way you eat is really important if you want to lose weight or make changes to your body in a short period of time. Most people are struggling to have self control and give in temptation, which could lead them to binge eating after not dieting for a long time, which could cause them to gain even more weight than their original original one. On the other hand, for some people who can get through the temptation they have experience that their pace on losing weight has lowered comparing the first time that they start dieting, it’s because their body have begun to get into survival mode, so that it will use less energy needed than usual and it will make the fat burning rate of the body dropped. If your body has turned into this mode, then dieting is not suitable for you, and you should try to go for fasting instead. 

  • What is fasting ??

Fasting is when you don’t consume any food or calories for a certain period of time so that your body could stop relying on glucose and start burning fat to use as energy for your body. When your body starts doing this type of action we call that your body is in a ketosis state. 

  • Benefit of fasting 

Fasting is way easier than any other type of diet, since we are not restraining on what we can eat or how much we can eat, rather we just restrain ourselves on the time that we can eat. Compared to something like a low-carbs diet, which forces you to  consume things that contain less to non carbohydrate. Moreover you have to measure the portion of your food every time you eat. In contrast, in fasting you can eat whatever you want and as much as you want, you just have to stop consuming food over 12 hours or more at any time that you have decided. Moreover it is a very convenience way for you body to detoxify itself from all the junk food or sweets that we have consume. 

  • Different types of fasting: 

There so many varieties of fasting that you can do, you just have to select one that would fit your preference. If you feel like you can go less than 15 hours without food, you can choose the 13 TRF( time restricted fasting) fast. In Addition, if you think that you want to see faster progress than normal, you can go for the alternate day intermittent fasting, which is when you eat whatever you want for the next 24 hours, and after that 24 hours you have to restrict yourself from consuming anything for the next 36 hours. 

Now that you have known some information about fasting, hopefully that this info could motivate you to practice this type of lifestyle, so that you can get on the right track on achieving the physique that you have long for. However, you should only do this type of thing for only a small period of time, for 1 or 2 months or once you have achieved your ideal weight, then you can start eating normality again, but with common sense of what is good or bad for your body. 

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