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[KIT] Get to know Advertisement

Advertising is a means of communicating with users of a product or service. Advertising is a paid message for those who send messages to influence the people who receive them. Advertising is always there even when people are not aware of it. In today’s world, advertising uses media.

Have you ever wondered why brands spend too much money to be heard and seen through online advertising, newspapers, and more?

Because there is advertising, telling you about product and service. Agencies who conceptualize and packet, these advertisements for brands have teams of copy editors, brand managers, researchers, creative heads and designers. A brand or entity reaches out to an advertising agency and commissions them the job of creating an advertisement based on the brand, its image, the ideals and values behind it, the target segments and so on. Once the brand approves the advertisement package created by the agency, the ads get populated on various platforms.

What online advertising should be good? Is Facebook the best?

So far, Cambodia has been going through an era called Digital Transformation, which plays an important role in making Cambodia civilized and prosperous. In fact, by 2020, Cambodia has 9.7 million regular social media users (equivalent to 58% of the total population). This figure includes users from social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and Telegram. This transformation has changed as well as brought new ways of disseminating information, sales, business, communication and advertising through social media. In order to adapt as well as expand the business, whether small or large, to succeed in social media, advertising (advertising) is an indispensable factor. Facebook is the most important and most used network, but should we advertise a product or service on Facebook only? The answer is no.

The most important key to promoting a product or service properly is to be based on the buyer or user, that is, age, preferences or tastes.


To sell beautiful civilized bracelets for children from 13-24 years old, the best social network to promote is Instagram, Instagram is a social network used by many modern and stylish young people (about 27.6 thousand people). Which tastes almost like a advertised product.

Another example is to sell clothes for middle-aged women. According to data from Cambodia, the best network for this case is Facebook, because at least 44,000 women over the age of 35 have a Facebook account by April 2020.

If we look at advertising for professional services, besides Facebook, most people use LinkedIn because LinkedIn, although there are about 380,000 users, LinkedIn is used with a clear function and purpose. Job Relationships (If you want to find a professional employee, you should advertise with LinkedIn)


– Analysis based on the working age and tastes of users

– Evaluate the location and quality of articles for business

Budget and settings (each site has different advertising costs. Example: LinkedIn is used for professional and business recruitment, so LinkedIn Ads are more expensive than Facebook Ads)

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