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[KIT] Great self-development books.

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Reading is one of the most important skills for everyone if you want to grow your knowledge or make yourself become better everyday. Reading a book is one of the gestures of a good leader. Top leaders all over the world spend most of their time on research and reading about what they do everyday. For example a business man would read about how to deal with business and solve problems to improve their sales, while politician leaders try to find what to improve this political view and make people follow them. Reading a book is so important that even Bill Gates spends time reading 50 books a year. So in this following points we are going to show you some of the most recommended books for you to read in order to growth your potential:

  1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective people 

This book was written by Stephen Covey and published in 1989. This book was categorised into one of the most important books for all leaders to read in order to boost their leadership skill. 

The 7 habits of highly effective people are: 

  1. Be Proactive 
  2. Begin with The end in Mind 
  3. Put First things first 
  4. Think win/win 
  5. Seek first to understand, Then to be understood 
  6. Synergize 
  7. Sharpen the saw 

 2. How to win friends and influence people

    This book was written by Dale Carnegie and published in 1998, this book is really good for people who want to be a leader. This book is clearly written for you to grab the essence of this book and the author’s ideas so easily. It was highly recommended for all CEOs and people who are involved in leadership skills. Here is some points that take out from this book:

  1. Do not criticize, condemn or complain 
  2. Make people feel important with curiosity 
  3. Appeal to the other person’s desires 
  4. Become genuinely interested in other people
  5. Genuinely smile 
  6. Remember people’s names 
  7. Be a good listener by encouraging others to talk about themselves
  8. Talk in terms of the other person’s interests
  9. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it … etc.

3. The power of Habit:

    This book was written by Charles Duhigg and published in 2012, this book is inside the Business and nonfiction books category. This book is explaining clearly about how you can use the power of habit to do anything you ever want to do but can not accomplish it because you do not know how to and what is the real essence behind the habit. Here is some points that take out from this book: 

  1. The habits of Individuals 
  2. The habits of successful organizations 
  3. The habits of Societies 
  1. Zero to one: 

This book was written by Peter Theiel and published in 2014. This book focuses on the startup and how you build your own successful startup with a lot of tips from the american entrepreneur and investor himself. This is one of the most important books and core book for everyone who like to start their own business or people who work in a business filed that want to improve their skill.

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