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How to avoid small mistakes

Mistake is what every person have made in their life. Not once, not twice but so many times that we; human can’t even count the number of mistakes that we have made in our life because some mistakes are enormous while other are generally small. Most people tend to ignore smalls mistake and always focus to learn from their big mistake however that’s where they’re wrong. To back this argument, let’s take our life as an example. We make so many small mistakes in our everyday life and we always ignore them but tend to shift our focus to the big mistake that probably has happened like long and long time ago yet it’s still inside our head. Instead of thinking about old the old mistake all the time we should drift our way to giving small mistake some of our attention because; have you ever notice that when we go to bed all the small mistakes that we have done that day always got us irritating?

The answer to that is because all the small mistakes tend to add up just like an incrementation; every single day the small mistakes build up to be bigger problem from day to day and eventually when it’s too late we realize that the small mistakes have piles up all the way making it into another problem in our life; yes another big mistake to fix. While we’re still conscious and aware of our small mistakes we should give some of our time to take care of them too before it’s too late. Every single day we should learn from our mistake little by little. By fixing our small mistakes we’ll have extended time to think for other things like our life, work, family, friend and especially Time to spend in order to fix all of our big mistakes. For example, in person A’s life he tend to be loud and obnoxious with his roommate every single day and his roommate doesn’t say a thing. This is a scenario where person A have small mistake by being really loud while he’s playing game and at first his roommate doesn’t seem to be bothered by it but over the time the loudness of his roommate got him so irritated that one day he decide to pack his things and leave the apartment immediately because he cannot handle person’s A being loud. This is one of the example that small mistake can lead into a really big problem that’s why you should spend time fixing your little mistake before it’s too late for you to fix it.

To sum everything up I’ve been written so far, I just want everyone not to overlook their tiny little problem aka “Small Mistake” because once you overlook them it’ll definitely pile up into a big pile of problem one day and it’s going to indeed cause you a lot of harm without you realizing it. So take care of it before you can’t do anything!

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