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[KIT]How to be a professional gamer?

All gamer around the world are willing to be a professional gamer but they did not event know how to be a professional gamer they just play when they want to play and they just play because of money. So, this article will tell you 5 Tips to become a professional gamer.

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Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+be+a+professional+gamer&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwij3s6Mm_ruAhWMf30KHZnIBOQQ_AUoAXoECBYQAw&biw=1920&bih=881#imgrc=kAtz_JQhtrrAbM
Owner: Online Fanatic

1.Find your motivation: Find your motivation to play game is important. For those who know that you to play game and they will never lose their motivation on it they will try the way to be more professional and they also try hard for it.

2. Join the community: joining community for the gamer is really important. There are many platform for gamer as a community such as discord, facebook … and it really help gamer a lot, they can communicate they can be a good professional as well. And it also make them more popular.

3.Gear Up: Gear up also make you become a professional gamer. Some people said that a good gear not really make people become professional but as we know professional gamer need to have a good gear and we also know that good gear will not making game lack or error. So, good gear will improve the quality of the game and it make us more easy to play. For example: if you have a good earphone or headphone you will easy to play game like shooting game because you can easily hear where the people shoot to you.

4. Find a team: Most of the game this day are playing as a team so a good professional game need to have a good teammate and the team that knowing each others well. And it also having a good communicate skill also.

5.Live Like a Pro: Most of the gamer are streaming in many platform. So, when you streaming you need to play like a pro player. Do not trolling or something it will make you lower your ability as well. And some of the people said that when you live do not show your pro skill just live and make money from it.

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