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[KIT] | How to be a web developer

1. Learn HTML CSS and JavaScript

Before getting into building an official website, you should know fundamental knowledge about HTML CSS and JavaScript.

HTML stand for Hypertext Markup language. It is the structure of the website. It provide the bone of a website. Everything about HTML is tags. A tag is the HTTML code that allow us to make some appearances on the webpage. Here are some common HTML tags:
<HTML> … </HTML>
<head> … </head>
<title> … </title>
<body> … </body>

CSS stands for Cascading Style sheets. Basically, CSS is the skins of the website. It makes website interface look good and understandable. We can use CSS to design our webpage, the layout, icon, screen size, picture …
CSS is reusable, it can control multiple HTML tags at once, so it does save lots of time and effort.
Example of CSS:

body {background-color : black;}
h1 {color: blue; weight: 500;}

Now we have bone and skin, as a human, to be able to move we need muscle and vein. The same as Website, We have structure and it can display, to make it work functionally, we need JavaScript. In simple term: JavaScript is a scripting language that allow us to create content, implement features, control the functionalities of the website, manage the website …

Example of JavaScript:
var uni = “KIT”;
function print(str) {
return str + “the best university”;

2. UI / UX:

UI / UX simply are the user experience design.
UI stands for User interface, UX stands for User experience.
Web developer must know the fundamental of user experience to make a good website, so that it keeps user using the site. Developer should know :
Shape: How to balance things on the left and the right
interface: How to display an understandable and clickable website.
responsiveness: Make sure that the website is responsive to suit various of devices.

3. JavaScript framework:

The next step is to learn framework. It is important for developer because JS frameworks are used beneficial in many different ways. Choose a specific framework that you want to learn and stick with it till you get clear knowledge about it. Framework saves your time and effort because there are tons of libraries and defined methods out there, you can just use the existing methods that developed by others and make your own website. So no need to build complex code by yourself.

4. Make a simple website project

Try make a simple website and host it by yourself to get the idea of how the website work. Once you hosted a website, you will get to know the traffic of network, security, SEO …
So it basically helps you make clear understand deeper about website

5. Decide whether you are frond-end or back-end developer

As we know fullstack developers are not good as single front or back-end developer. You should choose a specific path for yourself, determine whether you are good at UI/UX or coding or logic, or decide base on your interest and boredom.

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