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How to be happy

The word happy itself is easy to say and define but to find one, it is indeed a difficult task for every person. Sometimes, people live their whole life without even knowing what true happiness feels like. Most people tend to think that happiness come from external sources such as money, materialistic items, people or family however, what define a true happiness is the one that come from within ourselves, one that come from yourself and no one else. That is what true happiness is. Our generation never laid their eyes or shift their focus toward themselves, but instead they look forward to things around them to keep them going. Mental health is essential and more critical than physical health because if you’re sick physically later on you can still recover from it; However, if you’re lost inside yourself you will have no urges or desire to go on like other people because you’re just an empty shell with little to no soul at all. That’s why people need to take their mental health more seriously and consider it to be at the top of their priority list.

From my personal experience, happiness does indeed come from within you, just like everybody said. First I didn’t think that it was possible to find happiness from yourself and only yourself because back when I was in high school, I didn’t really use my head to think that much. Everyday I live by urges and desires, not being self conscious or caring about my mental health at all. At time I would be really rude and not being able to understand people around me because I was young and didn’t think everything through but as I grew up, I learnt how to use my head more frequently and I tend to talk to myself a lot when I have time for my own. By “talking to myself” I didn’t mean it in talking to yourself-in-the-mirror-way but I tend to speak with myself inside my mind. As day go on, before I go to bed I would have a quick recap about everything that I have done in a day and ask myself is it the right thing? Is there anything that I can do to make yourself even better than today? And most importantly I asked myself “Are you happy?”. Sometimes i was able to answer “Yes” but sometimes “No”. Anyway, it was a really big step to me because I’ve learnt to take care of my mental health, I started to question my reason for happiness, I picked up reading and I improve myself a lot during that time. However, in exchange for my mental health and being self-conscious I sacrifice a lot of things that used to be with me like all the time. It were social media, games, social events and gathering. I usually skips those things because I needed time to find myself and give myself a lot of “me-time” in order to improve myself so that I can actually find “myself”. So to recap everything you there are two main component that you can start to implement it into your daily life:

  • Think Thinking is really good for your mental health but too much thinking can lead you into overthinking which could be another problem that is related to mental health. There’s is a healthy way of thinking and that is to think positive about yourself and only think about the negativity only if it’s necessary for your character development. Once you learn how to think then you can start thinking your way into finding yourself.
  • Self-conscious Being self-conscious help you out a lot in life. Once you’re conscious about yourself, you’ll see every move you make and every step you take, you can feel it and that will lead to you seeing your problems, bad habits and most importantly you’re being yourself. When I was first conscious about my actions, I fixed a lot of mistakes about myself because I wasn’t really the best version of myself.

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