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[KIT]How to become Grade A students in Bac II?

Every year, all students in Bac II always think that “Grade A ” is really hard to get in Grade 12. But based on my own experience I can say that Grade A is not hard because as you know that I am a student who got Grade A in 2019. Even in grade 12 we need to learn many subjects such as Khmer Literature, Mathematic, physic, chemistry, biology, Khmer history, English.

So what are the tips?

  1. Yourself: you must behave an exact destination that means you know what are you doing right now, to be self-motivation, gain your commitment to pushing yourself to reach the goal, Don’t be upset like thinking about all those things can not happen. Only one thing you must think about is to be possible. After that to arrange a schedule for studying sessions and follow it. Don’t use your time to become useless
  2. School environment: choose quality teachers for each subject. However, if we talk about choosing you can choose to rely on seniors or based on your mood that means if you think when you learn with him/her really makes you easier to understand the lesson than follow your decision to choose that teacher. The last point while the teacher is teaching you must be highly concentrated or pay attention to the teacher. Don’t make interruptions in the classroom, do all assignments that the teacher assigns, try to research the lesson before having class in order to prepare that is the main factor makes you fastly understand. One more thing if you can not catch up on the lesson Don’t keep it. You must ask the teacher immediatly.

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