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[KIT] How to convince customer?

source: https://unsplash.com/photos/Ox6SW103KtM

  • Find your unique selling point: Demonstrating your uniqueness is the toughest step in The Brain Audit, you can’t skip this step. There’s a good chance you’ve set your customer up to go directly to your competitor. Some business owners think there will always be someone competing on price. They believe wholeheartedly that there’s always someone who wants to pay less. But here’s something really interesting. You’re only competing on price when you haven’t described what makes you unique.
    So what can you do about it? Become a detective and find your uniqueness. You start off by creating a list of all of the things that you do. Then you pick the one trait that you believe is the most important thing. That’s your Unique Selling Point.
  • Take away the risk of guarantee: When you think of risk reversal, what is the first thing that comes to mind? It is likely a money-back guarantee. This is the most common type of risk reversal. And while it is a good risk reversal, but it is not the ultimate risk reversal. People don’t just want their money back at the end of the day. What they really want is for you to deliver on your promise. They want you to understand what the real risk is for them. It’s not all about price when it comes to convincing people to click the “buy” button, and part with their money.
  • Prepare appropriate and clear descriptions of the products or services you offer: Be specific and to the point. People like to know about the details which help them make proper decisions. Speak the language of benefits but be honest. Do not promise what you cannot keep. It is easy to fall in a “one-time customer” trap but avoid that path. Maintaining great relationships with your new customers will help you keep them for longer and, who knows, maybe will make them ambassadors of your brand. Moreover, show pictures of your products or services. Take good photos. If need be, hire a professional photographer. Assure your customers they are not buying a pig in a poke.
  • Your customers must be informed about terms and conditions that rule in your world: Make sure these rules are simple, understandable and easily available to your customers so they do not have to spend time looking for them.
  • Give clear and detailed information about the shipping: What kind of details might your customers expect? First of all, they need to know about the costs and methods of shipping. Do not forget to include information about restrictions, provided there are such. Are you shipping overseas as well? Great! Make sure to include that. It is an excellent idea to provide your customers with the shipping status once they have made a purchase, especially if the goods you offer are expensive or even luxurious. Furthermore, it is a common practice to reward the ones who spend more than an average customer with a free shipping. 
  • Always provide something more than the customer expects: One of the easiest things that you can do to increase the number of customers you have is by offering bonuses with your products. Every consumer loves to see the company going the extra mile. Just providing a product or service is boring. It’s much more positive for the consumer to see you providing an extra bonus with the product that excites

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