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[KIT] How to cut your stress

Stress is one of the main problems that people face in this age of technology. It is not usually caused by disappointment, resentment, or the loss of a loved one. But it is caused by stress from being too busy, too busy with no time to rest. We already know that the nature of the mind is to like something new, something different, and something fun. So there is no doubt that the mind enjoys work, especially complex work or work that has no time to rest. Therefore, stress is caused by anxiety, laziness. To get rid of it, you need to change the environment by following these tips:

Don’t work long hours without rest

In general, for those who use themselves too much, no time to rest, whether dedicated to study, work, education, they often face stress inevitably. In Japan, Brazil, the United States … the rate of suicides due to work stress is not small. They are the kind of people who are obsessed with work, working without time off. Those who work restlessly are those who do not know how to work, even though the person is highly skilled in their career, but they have failed to control the balance of time and balance of physical behavior. You see, when we work too hard, we work hard for hours, even though it is our favorite job, you will feel tired and your mind will be exhausted because we use it. Time is not balanced. So no matter how busy you are at work or studying, you need to take some time off at least 15 minutes every two hours. This will help you reduce stress a lot.


When the body is weak, it seems to be tired, all you have to do is take a bath or, if there is a swimming pool, you should take a dip to clear your face, mouth, mouth, do not sit down, make a face unequal. No. Stress and sitting still, it does not help you at all, not easy, not comfortable, daydreaming in a dream like grandchildren Smoke. And what you should avoid while in a hurry, do not use social media by sitting and dragging pictures or listening to sad music to get emotional, because it only makes you more stressed than before.


It’s one of those moody times where he will break into endless soliloquy with himself. Almost every psychiatrist in the world never forgets to guide people to exercise to reduce stress. Exercise is far more powerful than any of the above. Because it is almost 80%, which helps the mind to be refreshed and cut stress out. There are many types of exercise when you are stressed, running, playing all kinds of sports, martial arts are all effective in helping the mind to forget the worries that occur.

Chat with your trust people

Chatting with close people, family, friends, especially loved ones will make you happy. Because speaking as an understanding person always makes the heart happy and never runs out of words, and does not get bored. Having close friends to talk to each other or exchange ideas with each other also relieves stress.

Listen to Remix Music

Although music has a powerful effect on the mind, but it can also be fun. Listening to that music, I advise you to listen to Motivate, Hip Hop or Rock, etc. to help reduce stress. On the plus side, it eliminates unhealthy sugary foods from one’s diet when it comes to stress. Anyway, why do I put it last? Because I want to tell you that this should be the last way, the way you are too busy, not enough time to exercise, can not relax or have no sympathetic people to chat with. Listening to music can really affect your meditation and can make you less focused on one emotion. Therefore, you should use it only when the situation is over.

Avoid Energy drinks

Drink if you are allergic to it should not be eaten. When you drink energy drinks into your body, your heart beats faster, your breathing becomes slower, your body begins to suffocate, and then your mind becomes frustrated. If you work hard, use a lot of energy, this drink can help you. But do not eat when you are very tired. Especially in the morning before eating.

Take a walk

Relaxation also helps to reduce stress to a large extent. In general, looking at the beauty of the forest, the view of the sunset, looking at the garden, or seeing all the people, because it is greed that makes the heart indebted to misfortune, but it also makes the heart happy and reduced. There was some stress.

Things that are useless but can help make the mind happy, do some of them, but be mindful and know how to act.

Work in parts

Working in confusion, doing this a little bit, doing that a little bit at will, will make you bored and no longer want to do it. The Buddha said, “Work that is not confused is the greatest happiness.” People who have a service mind, follow their instincts, will eventually achieve nothing. And they can not be the leader of the group or institution, because even you can not control yourself, how to lead others! Therefore, the thing you should do to reduce stress is to work by dividing it into parts so as not to look too much. On the other hand, dividing the work into parts when done, even if not completely done, can also give you the motivation to continue, because the heart is always happy when you see the results. On the other hand, do not mix. Doing so will minimize stress.

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