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[KIT] How to get started with a research project

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Souce: https://pixabay.com/photos/startup-meeting-brainstorming-594091/

To start new project might be hard for you. You might not know where to start.

So here are the steps to start a new project.

  1. Brainstorm an idea: Before you start doing anything, First of all you need to have an idea for that. So we need to gather around team members and start brainstorming ideas don’t hesitate to share your ideas even if you think it is not good enough. Just write it down so the other members can take your idea to develop it more. The more ideas the good project will be.  and build a structure or format for the project such as what the requirements are, what we need to do, how long it will take.
  2. If you still can’t get a good idea about your project, you should start to look at what others have done. start doing some research about similar topics, research papers by other student or someone who do project before , by reading books, research paper or any article you might get a lot of good ideas from it and come up with new ideas for our owns and develop those ideas with your teammate to get a very own unique idea for the project.
  3. Make sure you don’t stick with the idea from your article that you do research to make sure you develop those ideas to get new one. Think from other perspectives: When you are doing your project structure from your idea that gathered from those stages you should just not stop from developing your idea from there. When you get something good you should not just stop thinking from the other side of it. There might be other good ideas that we can build on it. Or the idea that you are thinking that is good right now might be not good for another perspective, people or other some spot that we did not notice about it.
  4. To get more clearly direction for your research project, you need to list down the possible questions and problems for your project and try to find all possible way for those question 
  5. Choose Methodology for the project: After you get the idea, You have to think how are we going to do it, how you are going to collect the data , what tool you are going to use. So you have to choose Methodology for your research project team so it will be easy for the team to do and manage the project.
  6. After you have done all the idea gathering, you might have a lot of ideas, By this point your team has to do the reviewing. Reviewing your whole project is very important, so you will not miss any mistakes in your project. After that start defining your project by writing down your research question and note the steps you plan to take to get the answer of the research project’s question. Then start writing down all the possible answers to those questions.

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