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[KIT] How to know not to make yourself enemy

Normally, a person who makes an arrow never strikes himself with an arrow. The chameleon always keeps his tail feathers, while a person who has a beloved self always keeps himself and should not consider himself an enemy.

People who are full of guilt usually commit various evils against their enemies by the power of the evil mind. Sometimes people take others as their enemies and identify them as their own enemies or their own enemies. But many of them do not realize that at times they even consider themselves enemies. Of course, sometimes people do not realize that they have taken themselves for granted and mistakenly think that doing so is self-indulgent. How do individuals view themselves as enemies?

A person who is not self-serving is the one who uproots the root of goodness, comes from the heart, is an unfortunate doer, and is a person who lives with constant insults, called an enemy of himself. Why so?

You have to understand that there are no people who do bad deeds to their loved ones, and there are no people who do good to their enemies, even if they want to perish. We often see people doing bad things to their enemies. Because what? That is because they have made them their enemies. After all, people who live with empty breath, do not seek, do not rush, negotiate for their own benefit, are called self-loved. The person who indulges in laziness, the laziness that comes to destroy his own interests, is the one who takes himself as an enemy. Because those who are loved always do 4 things to achieve themselves, 1 effort, 1 non-negligence, 1 conciseness and 1 self-discipline. On the other hand, a person who strives to uproot his merits by misunderstanding, prejudice, austerity, lack of study, understanding of the truth in life, and even taking himself as the enemy of a virtuous person is called an enemy. On the other hand, a person who incites others to do bad deeds is usually unprofessional. Kosal is always a self-immolator, a self-immolator, a self-immolator. Stabbing, dividing others, and by gossiping about others, etc., is called being the enemy of oneself because of the filthy misfortune to destroy oneself. Still, a person who lives for hundreds of years, but a person who lives a prosperous life, but insults, drunkenness, lost sight of the truth of life, a doer of evil deeds, and indulging in immorality He who has no self-reliance, no self-reliance, is a self-reliant person, hence the name of the self-reliant enemy.

The above-mentioned person has always acted and understood that doing so is self-love, it is not different from parents who say that they love their children, but instead allow their children to play with pornography and do not dare to take it out, depending on why they do not want to. I cried and thought it was love for you, not because he killed you and he just got lost. However, the person who does bad deeds to himself has the same parable.

The wise person in this world should not take himself as an enemy, just as a mother without children is her enemy. A person who is self-loving should do good to himself, just as a bird moves to seek good for itself. So if you love yourself, do not be hostile to yourself as described. Be wise, do not be foolish!

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