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[KIT] How To Learn English Faster

As we know, in this world there are already a lot of countries that start using English as their second language and it is very important for communicating. English is also a fun language to learn even though it is a bit hard to learn for a beginner and there are a lot of vocabulary out there.

So, for whoever has a commitment of learning English after you finish this article you will find out the best way to learn English quickly

Read Everything You Can Get Your Hands On

Newspaper, book, website, email even the description of the product you can just take it and read it. If you try to do this way you will start learning new words from the things that you have read. You might not read every word that you have seen but you can just write it down and search the dictionary later!

Credit: Pixabay.com

Actively Take Note of New Vocabulary

This tip is an essential tip in learning English, the more words that you have learned the more sentences you can write and more meaning that you can understand. I believe that you will not remember every word that you have learned the first time but after using it for 2 to 3 times you will start remembering that word and stick it to your brain forever!

Talk with real live human

Learning language, the most important thing is communication. You learn English to communicate right? So, start speaking English with people around you who can speak English fluently, that could improve your speaking skills very fast and also learn how people speak, the way they pronounce words and using it.

Credit: Pixabay.com

Do not kick yourself while you are down

When you start feeling like you are not making any improvement to your English skills, do not make yourself down. Learning language takes time, even though you feel like people do not use it frequently but you will eventually need it in the future. English is very important for your life and business. Take it slowly, do not rush, you will get it one day!

Ask Question

Curiosity will lead you to a brighter place, having more doubt will make you a smarter person one day. Learning English also, you will need to dare to ask, what is this word? What does it mean? Once people explain to you about it, you will remember in the future when you see the same word again or a specific place that reminds you about the person or the meaning of a word that you used to understand.

Credit: Pixabay.com

Use your friend

Now if around you has a friend that could speak English with you then it is a chance for you to improve your English skill. Some people are shy so they would not dare to speak English in front of people, but what will you get after being shy? Be proud of yourself, do whatever you want, you will receive what you really want after it.

After finishing this article, do you have a feeling of improving your English even more? If it is not Enough just try to research more about the advantages of knowing English, it might help you be more active in learning English!

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