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[KIT] How to learn second language effectively.

Learning second language is not really easy to learn but there is a way to learn a second language effectively. There are 5 key strategies that will help you learn and achieve your language-learning goals.

1. Have Fun and Make it Relevant 

The best way to learn is to make yourself happy with it or relevant with it like choosing something that motivates you to learn to seek. Once you are willing to learn the language it’s not difficult anymore. For an instant, choose topics that interest you, like science, literature, music, or celebrity gossip. Whatever it is, if you are interested in it, you will find greater motivation to keep coming back and practicing. Moreover, if you are a visual learner then watch TV series or films. If you are more of an auditory learner, check out all the amazing podcasts and audiobooks that are available online.

2. Conversation, Conversation, Conversation

The conversation is an effective way to improve yourself faster than you think. There are a few reasons for this. The first is motivation. I don’t care how cool your study guide is, you’re going to be far more invested and motivated to communicate with a live person in front of you than a book or audio program on your computer. The second reason is that language is something that needs to be processed, not memorized.

3. Make it a habit

What I mean by this is that studying a language four hours a day for two weeks will be more beneficial for you than studying one hour a day for two months. This is one reason why so many people take language classes in school and never remember anything. It’s because they only study 3-4 hours per week and often the classes are separated by multiple days. Even if you only have a few minutes, it’s better than skipping a day which could easily turn into three or four. There are a lot of ways to develop and maintain habits, so there is no excuse! The more often you practice, the better you’ll get and feel motivated and compelled to keep it up.

4. Be a Copy Cat and Model Native Speakers

The best way to make your pronunciation better is to be a copy cat. Sometimes the material found in language textbooks is either outdated or is simply an unnatural way of speaking. Seek out material that is used by native speakers, even at an elementary level. You’ll learn habits that model native speakers over time and that is more effective than having to unlearn an old fashioned way of saying something. 

5. Set learning goals

Language-learning goals are best if they are short, simple, and easily measurable. Many of us embark on studying a language by saying, “I want to be fluent in Japanese in six months!” The problem is, what is fluency? Fluent in what way? Casual conversation? Reading and writing? Discussing legal issues for your business? Instead, it’s better to set clearly defined goals. Start with something like, “By the end of today, I will know how to greet someone and introduce myself. In two days, I will learn how to ask someone what they do for a living and explain to them what I do. By the end of the week, I will know how to procure food and avoid starvation.”

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