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[KIT] How to lose weight ?

Have you ever wondered what you would look like in your peak physique? Have you ever felt like the appearance that you have right now is not that suitable and is not satisfying for you ? Now, by asking these questions, I don’t mean that being a little chubby, or not being skinny is a bad thing and you have to look slim at all times. As long as you feel satisfied with your  appearance then it would be enough. However, if you are not satisfied with your current body, then this article could help you transform into a better and more satisfying version of yourself. These are ways you can lose weight in healthy ways.

  • 1. Exercise:

Most people nowadays don’t really exercise that much since they think it isn’t as enjoyable, and make them feel like it’s a chore. However, what they don’t know is that they don’t really do anything during the period of time that they don’t exercise, not only that it is counter productive, it would be a waste of time. Since time will pass by anyway whether you do anything or not, why not try to make yourself feel better physically. Plus it will be beneficial for your health in the future, and if you feel really bored during your work out session you could tune in to music or watch netflix during that time too, it’s called multitasking. 

  • 2. Dieting:

Sometimes what you do is not the problem, but what you eat is the factor that stops you from losing weight. People nowadays are not aware of what they are consuming, whether it is good or bad for their health or their physical appearance. For example, cheese burgers are really delicious, but high calories fast food, which means you will gain weight the more you consume them. However, that doesn’t mean you have to give up eating cheese burgers forever, you just have to cut down on them from daily or once every two days to once every week or month. Instead of these fast foods, you can eat foods that are high in protein which is the main factor of your growth, and fiber which can help your digestive system run smoothly. 

  • 3. Self Obedience: 

Just when you start to get the hang of the work out and the diet, you will start to feel a craving of junk food or start to feel bored of the exercise that you have been doing for the past 2 or 3 days. That is because your mentality and your body haven’t been fully adapted to the sudden changes of your habit in your life, but right here is where you have to ask yourself, do you want to go back to what you were before or do you want to stay long enough to experience fully peaked performance body that you have dreamt of for a really long time. In other cases, people start to expect too much from the small period that they make changes to their life and start to feel demotivated once they see that there is no progress or improvement in your body.  However, what they don’t know is that internally, their body is starting to adapt to their lifestyle changes, and start burning their excessive fat as fuel for their body and that is when they are starting to lose weight. Therefore, as long as they persevere through and continue working out for more than a month, they will start to spot changes in their body, and are likely to feel motivated and wanting to do more work out. 

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