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[KIT] How to make a good profit

source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/wallet-with-coins-banknotes-and-credit-card-for-payment-5849577/

  • Add real value for customers: Adding real value is a pivotal component of understanding how to make a profit. The bottom line of a successful business isn’t actually a number – it’s the value customers perceive in the business’ product. When someone finds a product that fills a need they can’t find anywhere else, they fall in love. How do you truly add value your ideal customer can’t ignore? Prioritize your market research to understand your customer’s lifestyle and taste. By inhabiting your customer’s mind and preferences, you’re able to create compelling innovations customized to your market. As you innovate, track how your buyer responds so you can adjust your strategy as needed.
  • Focus on strategic innovation: There aren’t many companies who can say they honestly offer their customers something brand new. Those that do are true disruptors, but that doesn’t mean you have to be that type of company to increase profit. At this point, successful businesses expand on existing ideas, but they do it in a way that’s useful and appealing to their customers. In other words, they strategically innovate. To do this, you need to identify who your customer really is and why they need your product or service.
  • Maximize your cash flow: One of the best ways to achieve a stable cash flow is to offer pre-paid retainers or ongoing payment plans for your clients. For example, instead of a one-off consulting contract at $125 per hour for a full day, tweak your offering and give them a discounted 20-hour retainer plan at $100 per hour. While your hourly rate would be less in this case, you’ll be billing for a greater total dollar amount, and locking your client into a longer-term arrangement. At first, this may not seem as lucrative, but it establishes a relationship and keeps the door open for additional work. Maintenance contracts for service-based businesses are another way to create a new revenue stream.
  • Make everyone a salesperson: From telephone to email to face-to-face meetings, every employee has the opportunity to spread your company’s message and engage in potential sales-generating behavior. Everyone needs to pitch in to help by cutting costs, selling, networking on the web, marketing, and more. If you can get your employees invested and motivated to sell your message by encouraging self-development through roundtables, conferences, lunch meetings, and webinars you’ll be well on your way to creating an organization that is built around increasing profits.
  • Analyze your finances regularly: Once you have systems in place for tracking things like time, expenses and earnings, you need to keep an eye on those things regularly. Analyzing any changes can help you determine what’s working for your business and what isn’t.
  • Increase pricing:  If you bill hourly, review your billing rates and push them higher.  If you charge per product, look for ways you can command a higher price.  Could you bungle more value into a package?  Improve your marketing and sales scripting to effectively sell at a higher price?  Or could you just boldly increase your pricing?  Most businesses set their prices when their business was first launched, and since they were so hungry for business, they set pricing levels low. Over time, the business likely only made nominal increases to pricing every few years, but rarely did the owner ever sit down and fundamentally rethink his or her pricing model. Well take a close look at your pricing now.

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