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[KIT] How to Make Sparkling Lime Ade

Source: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/trinken-glas-kalk-minze-k%C3%A4lte-1532300/

In this stifling weather, it is undoubtedly that we need some refreshing drinks to help us fight the heat. You must have try watermelon juice or lemonade. But I am pretty sure only some of you have try limeade and even less would have tried sparkling limeade.

I remembered the story of how I came to encounter this incredible recipe that was brought to me during the second year of my university. It was very hot that summer and all we had were a few bottles of soda and some limes. So my friend and I had some of the craziest ideas. We decide to put these ingredients together and we create one of the most refreshing drinks we have ever tasted.

And as you have seen in the title, I will be sharing my recipe that I’ve improved over the years. This recipe is very simple and you can do it anytime of the year, not just during the summer.

The recipe I will be sharing will be for two people. However, you can adjust the recipe if you have a big party coming up or you want to make some money during summer break. The recipe is very simple.

First, you need 1 cups of water, 2 limes, one bottle of soda, 3 tablespoons of sugar and some ice. You can adjust the amount of lime and sugar according to your preference.

Next, you’re gonna mix all the sugar and freshly squeezed lime together in a glass. After that, pour the water and soda in and add some ice. There you go. Your first sparkling limeade.

If you want to make this recipe for a party. You can use a jug to make the limeade and put enough ice to make it cold throughout the party. One of the tricks that I like to use is making the ice from soda as it helps keep the drink cold without watering it down. Another tip that I want to share is you can make your limeade in advance and keep it in the refrigerator and add in the ice just before the party.

However, the second tips might make the soda lose its carbonated property. So here’s another thing you can do. Mix the lime juice, sugar and water first and keep it in the refrigerator. Put the soda of your choice in the refrigerator as well. Make sure they are unopened. When it’s time for the party, pour the soda in and add the soda ice. Now, you have the best summer party.

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