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[KIT] How to stay focus during study

During pandemic cause by Covid-19, most of the education organizations are moving to study online. The study environment has a difference from the previous used to. The application of the exam has been a move to online also. In this case, students lost focus and don’t care about the exam anymore. They think that they can cheat or do something during the online exam and study. This case is so challenging for the education organization to survive and lead to the staff and student. All of this isn’t caused by any specific path, it causes by the adaptability of each particular person. It’s too fast to change physical learning into online learning. Both teacher and student have a misunderstanding with each other during the pandemic. To answer the question of how to focus during the study. Both teacher and student have cooperated with each other.

For the student

  1. Your online study isn’t your social media platform

The student has to change the mind that “if this class is not interesting I will not study”. Many teachers are trying hard to make the class more interesting and effective. The teacher isn’t the content creator to produce the video content, but teachers like our parents to lead and show the way to us for the bright future. So the student please through your requirement out and back to the previous you. 2. Through your phone away

` 2. Through your phone away

If the student puts their phone near them during student. That phone will show any notification from any site’s social media platforms. In this case, students may disturb by it and lost focus on what they are studying.

3. Stay away from your bed

Most of the students are studying their online classes on their beds. They will not focus for a long time. Then the sleeping beauty will affect them, by the way, the lesson still continues, and there lost the diamond of this time.

For the Teacher

  1. Try to virtual the lesson as much as possible.

Most of the teachers misunderstanding the way to explain the student by showing all the logistics and formulas by sentence or word to explain to the student even though they already have a short focus during this time. The reason is. Most of the students have experience with social media platforms so their brains think they are in social media if the teacher can’t make them interest or interact with them. They will scroll down like social media. But this isn’t the fault of the teacher, it is the fault of the student. 

2. Student’s brain isn’t the Memory card

During the session, most of the teachers try to spread the information to the students and forget to let them think and note the lesson, so 100 percentage of the lesson. They can’t catch it all. If this happened every session. The student will go out the topic and can’t catch up even a piece of the lesson. The note is everything during this time if the student can’t note down all the thing, the disaster of education will happen through the session.

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