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[KIT] 5 steps to gain high rank in atcoder

In today’s topic, I’m going to tell you about my methodology that I think is very effective for programmers or developers who are looking to improve their logical skill or experience in programming problem solving that is very useful for them in order to apply their jobs to big tech company for example like FANNGS. In year 2021, there are so many developers that are seeking to work in big giant tech company so if you are mentioning your ranking in competitive programming platform in our case is atcoder, it’s going to help you along the process of the interviewing.

Before we get to know the method to improve ranking, we have to understand what is competitive programming and why is it so important? So competitive programming is the competition or a test that is conducted through online platform giving specific time with specific limited tasks for register to solve the problems by using their desire programming language that they are comfortable with, implement the logic or algorithm and it passes the judge testcases, memory and time complexity. The reason that it is important because it proves that you’re very capable with logic building, problem solving and it also reflect your critical thinking skill also. So 5 steps that you should consider are first one is learn your desire programming language. almost 11 programming language that is accepted in atcoder but the most recommended is C++ because it’s the language that is next to the hardware so the programming instruction utilize the hardware performance better than other programming language like javascript, java and python. Second is after you know the basic of programming language fundamental concepts, you should start learning lots of algorithm that popular for solving problems like sort algorithm, short path algorithm. All these algorithm will help you solve the problem that you’re facing instead of thinking about your own logic. It’s also fast and efficient for learning it. Next step is algorithm design or mathematics. The reason that I mention this two is if you have a problem learning algorithm, then you should learn mathematics concept first for example like linear algebra, fundamental concept of geometry, basic calculus and a little statistic and probability. Trust me it will help you along the way. Else you can just learn algorithm design it will help structure the way you solve the problem efficiently.Next, you need to learn to type fast it will improve effieciency as experience developer it helps improve the ranking in the test. lastly is constantly practice, there’s nothing that we can improve if we’re not practicing enough so keep practicing and also learn new algorithm in order to implement logic algorithm desgin shouldn’t be overlooked by any programmer because it helps you write clean code in the production and also math in your problem solving also typing make you code faster and also makes you look more experience.

In short you need to practice, and take up the challenges in order to improve fast. Constantly learning is better than not learning. Start learning today, not tomorrow.

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