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[KIT] Benefits of Uniform

School uniforms had been considered to be a rule of school principals for a long time. However, recently, most of the education places in European countries have many controversial topics on this ancient rule and some sides of the student’s opinion want to record the school rule of uniforms. Despite having inflexibility in some education places, school uniforms still outweigh the drawbacks points in some sizes of mindset in the society. 

What are there?

Student’s identity: while wearing the school clothes, students are controlled by the school rule that means they cannot commit the wrong actions or make a conflict with their opponent. Moreover, School uniforms can also protect the students from social problems and let them know their obligation of what the student should do while they’re wearing their uniform.

Community and cooperation: school uniforms not only identify the student but also show the big block of one community, which makes the students feel as a part of this block. Even though they had problems from anywhere, they still could share their emotions or anxiety with this block and encouraged themselves to fight against their issues. On the other hand, when students saw a block full of clothes as them, they felt to be a part of developing their blog to compete and find the repute to their school. So a school uniform is like a factor in raising a student’s ability.

Equality and self-motivation: according to many statistics, it will have a prejudice in school and make the poor students inferior to the rich students. As a result, a lot of non-governmental organizations conducted the donation program to invest in education schools and make a stable among students to dominate the unfairness in education. Anyways, school uniforms play an important role to boost the student’s motivation because of wearing a uniform. Whenever they see their clothes on their body, they will appreciate and be proud of themselves to have a chance to stand in school.

Last but not least, we highly encourage the students to wear the uniform to school even though the freestyle is suit and more easy for them. Uniform is like our identity to recognize the students and remind of the action we are doing now. The university which does not have the uniforms should consider the points above and reprepare since those method points are necessary. 

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