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[KIT] How to be a good children?

Many children in the world, are likely to make their parent worry about them from the day that they born until they become a good boys and a good girls. And most of the child are not really good even their attitude to their parent. So, this article will tell all of you how to be a good children for your parent?. And we will give you 5 tip to make it more effective.

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Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+be+a+good+children&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjm_o_5hvruAhXP8HMBHRkSA1IQ_AUoAXoECA4QAw&biw=1920&bih=881#imgrc=t3tYpFVls4EIOM
owner: WikiHow

1.Manage your emotions: we know that small children cannot control their emotions they cry when they want to cry they play when they want to play but for the adults child please control your emotions. Your emotion is really effect to your parents. For example you shout to your parent it really bad habit to do. So, be manage your emotions.

2.Be honest and trusting: Be honest to your parent. Most of the children now a days, they really dishonest they always telling lie and make their parent worry for them. Like they dishonest about their study. They study not good but they told their parent that they really good at studying. And it also make their parent losing their trust from them.

3.Learn to solve problems by yourself: Learning to solve the problems by yourself is really important. This tip is really focus on the adults child. They are growing bigger now. So, please learn to solve the problem by themselves. If you cannot solve the problem by yourself your life will be hard. and it also make your parent really worry about you.

4. Know when to ask for help: knowing the right time to ask for help is also really important. For the problem that you need to ask for help you should know when you can ask for them to help for this problem. And if you can solve this problem by yourself so do not need to ask them. And you need to try to do it by yourself.

5.Treat others like you want to be treated: Treating others is the best way that describe you. You need to treat others like you want them to treat you back. Example you like your parent to hug you everyday before you sleep. So, you also need to treat your parent like this too. So, they will know what you really want from them and they will offer you everything.

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