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[KIT] How to be a good parent?

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owner: Rishav Apps

This days, most of the parent are trying to be a good parent for their child and they also show what their want. They want their children to work hard , they also want their children to be a good person in the society and they also want their children to study harder. And now for this article will tell all of you the 5 step to be a good parent for your child.

1.Be a good role model: Be a good role model for your children. Your children will always follow what you have done. If you do the good things and you doing the good the attitude they will also having good attitude as well. And if you are doing bad thing or having bad attitude they will do as you either.

2. Show your love: most of the parent are not really want to show their love to their children Some of them are shy to show what they want to show to their child. But please show to them they will know How much you love them and you need to know that when people not showing what they have done others will not know

3. Be a safe haven for you child: Make sure that you are there for your child no matter what. Support and and accept your child as what you want. Be warm to them make them stay with you and they really feel safe and warm.

4. Reflect on your own child hood: this mean that when you reflect on your child hood you will know that when you was young you know what you want and you also know how your child really want from you and it will also help a lot to make you be a good parent. Sometime when you reflect on your own child hood you also can enjoy playing with your child and your child will also having a good communication with them also.

5. Pay attention to your own well-being: paying attention to your own well-being is also really important. It really necessary not even for your child but it also yourself as the parent.

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