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[KIT] How to change your daily routine to be more productive.

How to change your daily routine to be more productive?

Being productive is really important in every field, no matter you’re student or worker you need to being productive in order to completed you work without wasting too much time. Even though, it is not easy as it say. Most people barely get up from the bed in the morning, they woke up late then it make them sleepy. And it also lead to be lazy. Your daily routine can be the reason that you’re not productive. So, here are some tips you can try to make yourself more productive.

1. Wake up early in the morning

In order to be healthy, human need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. You should go to bed early at night and start to wake up early in the morning. When you wake up early it can make you feel fresh especially you should try doing some exercise such as yoga, jogging around your place. Exercise is really the best thing to do in the morning. It is not just make feel fresh and productive but also make you more healthy and your mind, your brain will work well.

2. Eat breakfast properly

When you need to work in the morning, it really important to have breakfast before going to work. If you didn’t eat breakfast, you definitely has no feeling to work or complete you tasks. Breakfast is very import among all the meal time because sleep with empty stomach for long hours and you need to breakfast to fulfill you stomach. Breakfast will give you energy to make you work done.

3. Listen to music

Music play an important role in human mind. Working continuously for long hours, you might feel stress. You can start listen to music while working. But choose the genre that make you feel relax not the hype one. You can feel relax have energy to work. If you are a type of person who not liking doing multi tasks you better don’t try it. It also can mess your feeling up but if you like doing that it’s good for you mind.

4. Take a break

Human brain can’t work continuously without break. Your brain doesn’t working properly and you can’t really focus on your works. I recommended you to take a break once you finished each task or you can take 5-10 minutes break after 2-3 hours. It will refresh your brain and you can feel relaxed. Then you can continue doing your task as usual and believed me, you will definitely still productive for the whole day

If you want to make a change of your daily routine or you want to be productive everyday let’s try these tips. Make change your life start doing it now, don’t wait for tomorrow. I hope it will work for you once you try it.

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