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[KIT] How to Clean a Fish Tank

Source: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/fish-bowl-fisch-glas-wasser-846060/

Cleaning a fish tank can be stressful especially if you don’t know how. Cleaning fish tank can also vary depending on the size and shape of the tank that you have.

Today, we’re gonna walk you through the whole process of cleaning a fish tank. 

First, you need

  • a hose about 1-2 meter
  • a bucket
  • a brush

Start by taking some water from the tank then put it in one bucket. Then, carefully remove the fish from the tank and put them into the bucket with the water from the tank. After that, use the hose to remove all the water from the tank and start cleaning it. After finishing cleaning the tank, fill it with new water. Lastly, pour the fish along with the old water into the tank.

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