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[KIT] How to find your favorite subject based on my experiences and research

Hello, My name is Vimol. Every one has their own favorite things that make them feel comfortable and passionate to do or learn about those things. Today I am going to tell you about how to find your favorite subject based on my experiences and research. So, Let’s get started.

1- Play quiz that contains all of the subjects in a paper : When we go to school there are some subjects, we have a hard time understanding, whereas others just flow smoothly for you and when it is exam time you breeze through your papers. You try to fill all your interest into the paper and answer the questions. Some subjects that you do not like, you might take a bit time to answer those questions and lose interest. but when it comes to your favorite subjects, you will be able to answer it correctly and quickly. Based on your interest and passion, you can find your favorite subjects that make you like those subjects. I highly recommend you to find your favorite subjects here – https://www.magiquiz.com/quiz/can-we-guess-your-best-subject-in-school/

2- Read a book : It is might be hard to find your favorite book, but it is also an effective way to find your favorite subject too. For example, I like reading story books such as harry potter… So, It means that I like English or something that is related to England or Magic or myth. Even though sometimes reading booking is kind of boring, it has many advantages for us. It can strengthen your brain that makes you remember words easily and increase your vocabulary skills and also your understanding well. 

3- research : doing research is very important for people to explore everything they want to know.Moreover, you can learn a lot from research such as your living habits, science,health etc.

The easiest and worldwide way to do research is the internet. I can say that there is almost everything on the internet such as science , general knowledge ,  history etc. Moreover, You might find what you like there.For example you do not know anything about astronomy but when you do research and then you find something about astronauts then you start to like this subject.

4- Solve game problems : this might not be an effective way to know your favorite but you can try this. When you play a game with your friends and then there are many friends of yours that tried so hard and take so long to solve it. but for you, you just spend a couple of minutes solving it. It means that you are good at it and then you try to develop those skills.That is how you learn from it and that is how you find your skill from it. For example: There is a game that uses many calculation methods to find the solution and you find out that you are really good at it and you are really this kind of game, so it means that your mathematical skill is really good. 

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