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[KIT] How to get better at Dota 2?

Dota 2 is the most popular multiplayer online battle arena game in the world right now with more than a million players online every day. Dota 2 is very complex and hard to master. Being an incompetent player can be very stressful and you will not have fun at all . This article is going to guide you on how to get better at the game step by step.

Firstly, you need to pick a role that is right for you. There are five roles in the Dota 2 gameplay which are the carry, mid laner, off laner, jungiler (pos 4) and support (pos 5). You need to really understand what kind of character you want to be in the game in order to pick the right role. If you are the type of player who play aggressively in every situation, the type of player that always sacrifice him or her self to initiate the fight first, you should consider being an off laner. If you want to be the main player of the team then you should be the carry. The carry job is to lead the team to victory. The carry strength is needed more than anything in a team fight. You need to be the one to deal the most damage and can fight every single heroes of the enemy. Now if you want to only fight one against one with the enemy then you should play the mid laner. Mid laners face each other at the mid lane and most of the time it is just both of them their. But the enemy might rotate to group up on you so you really need to watch out for that. For pos 4 and pos 5, both of them are similar role. Pos 4 is to support the carry but sometime they can go farm in the jungle also. Pos 5 is more of a fully support hero because you need to protect the off laner and suppress the enemy carry.

Secondly, you need to pick a hero. You should master one or two heroes rather than be the jack of all trades. Mastering a hero can help a lot in the game. You need to learn the mechanic of the hero and try to maximize the use of it in every situation. You also need to learn the strategy of playing the hero when playing one on one against the enemy or playing in team fight. You should learn how to combo your hero with your teammates heroes in order to win the team fight situation.

Lastly, you need to learn which items to buy and when to use. Items are very crucial in boosting your hero strength helping you fight your enemy or defend your teammates from them. There are over two hundreds and eight items in Dota 2 and you need to pick the right one that fit you. Carry player mid laner and off laner need to get items that deal the damage to the enemy but the most important item that carry need is the Black King Bar which will help defend themselves in fights. Support player need to get items that help their team either to fight or protect them.

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