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[KIT] How to help you learn without putting much effort

Take too much effort to study

We humans should not only use the power of food to do something but should use the power of wisdom more. Similarly, if you focus on learning without knowing how to do it quickly, it will take a long time and you will not get good results.

Here are some tips to help you out:

Take notes

You should write down the main points that the teacher explained in class. This will help you a lot, especially during the exam, you do not have to review every point in the lesson.

Use fork (Highlight)

When the teacher tells you something to remember, we need to highlight it immediately because it really helps you to recall the lesson quickly. In addition, it helps us not to fall asleep early when watching lessons at night, because it has a color that attracts our eyes.

Try to be close to the clever student

As we get closer to the best students each day, we see how they are learning and can ask questions when we have questions about a lesson.

Group learning

When we study alone, we do not know who to ask when we have unresolved questions, but if we study in groups, there are many ideas to solve any problem or question quickly. On the other hand, if we share homework and explain it to each other, it saves a lot of time, we do not have to spend a lot of time and energy to know something.

Know when to study

To learn effectively, we need to know when to learn as soon as possible. In the morning we should memorize the lesson because our brain makes us remember quickly, while the exercise should be done at night is good.

Have fun learning

Sometimes, for example, for a recipe that is very difficult, we should not stress too much, we should find something funny to represent that recipe. This will help you to remember and enjoy learning more.

If you know all these methods, you do not have to spend a lot of energy and can also know !!!

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