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[KIT] How to improve your life in 2021 to be better than 2020

As you know, 2020 was a boring year because of Covid-19 padamic. We all want our 2020 to be an awesome year and memorable than 2020. 

There are some tips to improve yourself during this 2021.

1. Exercise when you wake up for a minute

Just one minute. Nothing more than that. You can find the time for that even in your busy life, right? I’m not asking for a full-length workout, just a few simple exercises. I typically go for pushing up around 30 to 50 and prepare for a minimum of 40 seconds.

The first thing you’re doing with the morning is gaining your blood moving and getting you out of the morning darkness you might experience. If you prefer to have a full workout in the morning, go ahead. But even if you prefer the evening, it doesn’t hurt for 1 minute in the morning. It’s helping.

2. Invest in the journey / trip

I often met friends outside for a walk or went on short trips with them in 2020. (Example : My friends and I had a short trip in Siem Reap). We’ve created a lot of memories together. We were connected. I plan to increase that even more in 2021.

3. Manage your money

It’s not about investing, but it’s a good habit, too. It’s about knowing where your money’s coming from and going. Most of the parents have thought about this out a little, but I’ve seen many people completely ignore this point.

You should divide it properly and with clear purpose into small part. For example, 50% of your money for paying for school, 10% for going outside with friend, 30% for paying home, food, water, electricity and 10% left is for buying study material or clothes.

It’s a good idea to manage your money because you have a clear plan and specific reason or purpose when you spend your money and you always think about this point before you spend your money.

4. Explore one new thing a month

It’s exciting to discover or explore something new. It’s also useful because it keeps us amazed and slowly expands our skills and knowledge over time. Do it the way you want it to be. Spend 10 hours on one Saturday or a few minutes a day for a month. What matters is that you discover something new.

5. Ignore or turn off your notifications

Start for an hour a day. If you can last longer, do it. This isn’t as hard as you think it is. The only reason you’re not doing it is that “being reachable” has become a habit. That’s one you need to change.

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