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[KIT] How to learn for the Cambodia national examination


Factors, teachers

you should choose to study part-time with a simple teacher, it should not be necessary for the only study with the famous teacher or what, but should especially study with teachers that you think you can understand clearly with the thing that teacher has to teach, it is important that you choose the teacher as a teacher who You trust that can lead your life to success.

If possible, you should choose Kour Chey Thavy School, because it is full of good teachers, many good students, most of them are trying to learn the environment there to know all the flavors, know the society better, but have to persevere less because Many students often face a lack of seats, but if you persevere, you will be strong.

Factor, ourselves 

try to understand and remember all the phenomena and tips in all lessons, to remind the lesson regularly, do a lot of exercises for each lesson, then you will grasp the meaning of each deeper. If you are not sure, dare to ask immediately, do not keep in mind, because the more questions, the more you get bored with the lesson.

Factor, Subjects

 For subjects such as history, biology, and chemistry, it must be reviewed weekly. As for biology, it was a difficult subject for me. At the beginning of the year, I failed the exam in the first month. I got only 30/75, so you have to try to read the lessons, do the exercises again and again until you no longer have any questions. The phenomenon of talking to friends, asking for anything is never relevant.

For history subjects, you have to read, listen to the teacher talk a lot about Khmer history, and memorize any important questions and answers, while biology: you have to review every morning to read and understand and try to remember how to answer.

During the lesson

 When encountering new techniques or exercises – strange (difficult) questions, you need to draw stars or markers on those points that make it easy for you to review the lesson before each exam, scan only Starred points to save time.

Schedule study

Each person has a different way of learning, some people adjust the time to do 1 hour of exercise every day and remind the lesson before going to bed or when waking up (see when to see the time. Well). For me, it was different at the beginning of the year because I had enough time to study, I studied for a week, a week for math (one week I could finish a key book), a week for chemistry, a week for physics and a week for biology (memorizing questions and answers). ). I did this before the first semester.

Try to learn hand arithmetic, avoid using calculators (+ – … √) because it is also a way to train the brain. Eat regularly at all 3 times to prevent stomach problems. Give your brain time to rest when you feel hot, understand well, study for an hour, rest for 5 minutes, do something fun, and wait to learn more.

Do not put pressure on yourself, do not care about other people’s words, remember to learn for knowledge, not for points. Don’t expect, but believe in your own abilities.

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