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[KIT] How to make a good relationship with others?

Communication is a bridge that leads people to get in touch with each other effectively. Living without communication is like living in a lonely world and has no meaning in life.

If you want to go far go together, else go alone.

1. Be a good Listener

To be a good speaker, first we have to be a good listener. When someone talks to you by sharing their emotions, it means they want you to be their center of emotions. You have to find them well before giving any advice to them. Apart from that, please under no circumstances do you blame them because it will make them feel disappointed. For example, someone shared the secret sad story with you. They wanted you to be a person who supported them and always at their side. Unfortunately, you’re not a sympathetic person, you laugh and think their story isn’t the problem or sometimes you are so talkative that make them annoyance. These factors can lead to a serious conflict among friends and the sharers.

2. Be a Collector

Second, be a collector. Well-known person isn’t only a good listener, but they are an effective speaker. However, what if they don’t have any knowledge, how can people listen to them? Normally, most important information is in those kinds of people’s hands. To be remembered, if you don’t have such a high level of knowledge, you cannot influence others even though you do it on good purpose. 

3. To be neutral or do nothing

Providing the advice or trying to convince someone to make them feel better with you is good but only in the right time and place. From my own experience, when your friends felt not good and spoke nothing even if you spoke to them. Please do not keep talking since it will be the disaster later on. It may cause the relationship to break down because when your friend shouted at you, you must feel uncomfortable and do not want to say anything. Not at all, more importantly, if the third party said, you are the only one who did wrong since they did not know that you are trying to make the situation better. You’re really in the worst situation and your mood will rapidly change and cannot control. My tips for you is please walk away from them or try something that you like, such as listening to music, cooking, etc.

To sum up, good communication needs either your knowledge and your soft skills to get in touch effectively. Otherwise, sometimes, people have their own talent to communicate with others without any high knowledge. It also depends on our actions and flexibility in those situations as well. 

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