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[KIT] How To Manage time to study effectively


The best time to study

Try to avoid studying at night as much as possible if you have any pressure, especially when you will be competing or test in the morning. You should study until 10 or 11 and better try to wake up and continue to learn from the morning. You need to sleep at least 7 hours per day. Take a break for 10 minutes, after you speed one-hour studying, and take a nap at lunch or dinner. Keep your relaxation time away from your study room.

Be orderly at all times

Being organized helps save our time. Organize your study materials for your lessons to be easy to find, you can organize by creating a Folder or Binder for each lesson separately. Make sure you have enough study materials for your needs before you start learning. Otherwise, you will waste time running back and forth to find those materials. You also need to be organized in order to prepare online study materials.

Find your comfortable place to study

The place for your study can be your bedroom or in the library because it is quiet and noisy. The place of study must be a place where there are no pets, no television, and no distractions. Use a comfortable seat and turn on the lights properly to prevent problems with your back and eyes, as pain and discomfort will interfere with your study. Sit in a chair with a desk rather than lying in a room.

Start learning the hardest lesson first

You should start learning the lessons that are necessary when your concentration is good and then remember to learn the lessons that are not necessary. You will be more worried about which lesson is harder if you start with the easy lesson first which makes your study more ineffective. Do not feel overwhelmed if you can not solve a difficult question or problem and set a time to solve it to leave some time to solve other questions.

Use different learning methods

The easiest way to learn is to read an article or a book one by one, but such an approach is not effective. You will feel tired after 5 hours of study and will be able to forget what you read during the exam. Try to use any method that is active in learning, memorizing theories, concepts, and ideas. Use a combination of reading and writing methods and memorize the theory as you stand to summarize your ideas and learn with your classmates. Using a combination of methods will help to strengthen your understanding and memory. Plus, you can study for a long time and not even feel tired.

Keep food with you

Keep your favorite snacks near you, such as chocolate, nuts, apples, strawberry slices, or blueberries. Have water near you to reduce the use of force to make coffee or tea. These drinks do not make you feel sleepy, but eating too much will make you feel tired and difficult to treat.

Please turn off all electronic devices

Turn off all electronic devices to eliminate distractions and allow you to focus on your studies better. Websites and software like Think, SelfControl can help you block websites that you do not need to use, which makes it difficult for you to focus on learning, such as Facebook.

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