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[KIT] How to Properly Maintain and Charge Your Smartphone

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/smartphone-charging-port-and-charger-usb-connector-4195332/

Although the use of mobile phones is as easy as peeling a banana but maintaining it for a long time. Not as easy as you think. Because every time you use it, there is no problem of frequent damage, especially the phone battery. Therefore, mobile phone magazine, please suggest how to properly care for and charge the phone to make the following instructions below:

Method 1

First of all, when you just buy your phone, you do not need to charge it 24 hours a day, 24 hours a day. Just fully charging is enough, because if you charge the battery for too long, it can damage the battery quickly.

Method 2

Then, every time you charge, you need to check the battery first, whether it is more or less. There is a lot of battery left, you should not charge more because it can cause the battery to break quickly. Therefore, it is better to let the phone run out of battery before charging.

Method 3

Then, when charging, you should plug in the charger first and then plug in the phone later, because if plugged in. Phone first and then plug in the charger later, it can cause strong electric shock and cause battery damage.

Method 4

In another case, you should recharge with a computer or laptop is also good. Because its current is more balanced, which makes the phone battery not easily damaged.

Method 5

In addition, every time you charge the battery, you should not place it near metal or other electrical appliances such as refrigerator Freeze and TV, because it can cause electric shock and explode the phone, so you should be a little careful.

Method 6

On the other hand, when going out, if you forget to bring a charger with you and need to borrow a charger If someone else uses it, you should make sure that the charger is the same model as your phone. You or not? Then see if it can be used instead of your charger or not. Because sometimes it can be plugged in but can be harmful later and damage the phone battery.

Method 7

Finally, when the phone is fully charged, you disconnect the cable from the phone and unplug it later. This is a good idea because it will keep your phone safe and free of battery damage.

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