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[KIT] How to start programming

Have a laptop

It is very important to have these because programming on a phone or a tablet is very inconvenient. You can have a normal specs computer, and you are good to go since there is not much you need to program. If the computer is slow, it would be best to consider using Linux which is a faster operating system than Windows, and you can take some time to adapt to using it.

Choose one programming language

If you’re looking for something easy at the start, Python 
If you want a solid foundation, C 
If you want to learn web development, Javascript + HTML + CSS

Get all the softwares you need

This is what every programmer needs. For starters, you should definitely download IDEs that can be like Atom, Visual Studio Code, Sublime, etc according to your preference. Then, there are extra extensions that would also help you like Kite which is a autocomplete software for better coding experience, Postman to help you with API testing, etc.

Get to know other programmers, or take a course, or take a bootcamp, watch youtube tutorials

Doing programming alone at the beginning may be difficult. Therefore, having a mentor or a senior programmer would definitely help in boosting your progress. There are also communities like on Reddits, Stack Overflow, Discord that you can connect with. Although it may be hard to find someone like that, you can also take an online course on websites like Udemy, Coursera, edX, Udacity, or watch youtube tutorials, etc. They may be a guide for future endeavors.

Start Practicing

There is no advice that is better than practicing. It is the best way to learn anything because you get better at it by doing it. The basic things to learn at the start is Syntax, If else statements, loop, functions, basic data structures, and algorithm. Another thing to consider is to solve some problems on websites like Hackerrank, CodeWars, CodinGame, etc. It will surely help you on logical thinking which is essential for development. 

Do a project

After learning the foundation, you would need to apply each parts of them to a real project. For example, If you are learning web development, try to make a functional website or web application. They don’t have to be any big applications. It can be small and basic like a todo list application. Afterwards, it will give you an idea of what it is like to start and finish a project by your own.


Programmers would be lying if they say that they have never faced errors. Thus, we all need to find ways to solve these problems or bugs. They are mostly from googling about it and getting results from Stack Overflow, Medium, YouTube, GeeksForGeeks, and many more websites. It is one of the most important part of programming because you will have to face it every day, so having researching skills will definitely help you in programming.


As far as I’m concerned, if you follow these steps, you are most likely to be ready to start programming. Another point worth mentioning is to not compare yourself to other people. You have your own progress, and every one is different. I hope you will have fun, and enjoy programming!

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