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[KIT] How to stay healthy

As a human we willing to have the good health and good lifestyle but you do not know how to do it so for today I will share some good tip for you to stay healthy :
Tip1 : Do Exercise
Doing exercise is the best tip ever. You know the food you eat everyday contains chemicals that can make your body become weak and you can be sick by that. So to let it come out of your body you should do exercise to let it come out from our body. So by doing exercise at least 30 minutes a day your body will become strong and the blood inside your body will flow smoothly


Tip 2 : Never skip your Breakfast
Breakfast is the best meal of the day. Your body has to get the vitamin in the morning so you need to start your day with a meal full of protein and vegetables so your body will have enough energy to work for the full day. Did you still remember the day that you skip your breakfast you will feel executed for the full da even though you have your lunch and dinner this is the proof that you need to have your breakfast to give yourself the full energy to work for a full day.


Tip 3: Never skip your meal
So, your body needs energy to move to work also to sit and walk so the food is the source of energy so have your meal and eat your food. Moreover, inside your body the stomach, the brain and everything inside your body need to work together with you when you wake up and work too so they need energy. If not they will become weak and you will feel that way, too. So eat every meal to stay healthy.


Tip 4: Get enough sleep
Sleep is really important. If you work for the full day you need to rest and your body also needs it. You need to have enough sleep because you can stay focus and your body have reboot the energy while your sleeping and it is they best way you get your energy back after spent it for the whole day and you will be fresh after getting enough sleep


Tip 5: Drink more water
Water keeps your body hydrated and it helps to clean the toxic things in your body by peeing. And as the scientist say that in your body you have 70% of water so if we lost the water or not drinking enhoj water you will pee out your blood because your body will change your blood into water to make your body stay hydrated so it is very dangerous and make you caught the fever or sore throat because the temperature in your body get higher and you can not control it unless you drink. And the good amount of water to drink for a day is 2 Liter or more so it will go and help to support your body.


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