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[KIT] TIPs to avoid complicated thinking

Most of the student always dream about the good grade

Are you facing a complicated problem?

I’m here to bring you to know a person who can help you. Do you want to know who?

The person who can help to solve your complicated problem is you “ Yes, you. Your self”. This world will not accept the weak people to become successful and people born to solve the problem if you don’t. What is the life meaning? In this case, nothing stranger to facing the problem. But by the way, you have to strong enough to spread your problem into the small one and solve it into a piece of sand until it is invisible in this world. So I will tell you some tips to fight with your mind of problem and release your stress.

  1. You have to accept the world.

You have to accept the world by accepting yourself. What you can’t do it and what is your strange. You are human. It is impossible that you can do the thing perfectly and make sense of that each particular task. You are not the superhero all the time, so don’t put pressure on yourself too much it hasn’t brought anything back to you except the complicated and stressful. You have your uniqueness sometimes it hasn’t shown in the world yet. Keep your self up and fight in this world.

  1. Make it easy

You have to identify which is important, sub-important, and unimportant task or decision. Some people combine all these types of tasks into one box. So in this case it will hurt your brain and slow down your thinking performance and reduce your creativity. Tell your self which one it is in to?

After that,t you will easy to solve or do it without any concern or stress. 

  1. Find the root cause

Every problem must have a root cause. You have to find the root cause of your problem and divide it into small. After that bring the solution from your mind to implement into the real world. By the way, sometimes a solution can not solve the problem. So may need the backup to solution to protect or stand by behind you. The Root cause will say goodbye to you.

  1. The problem is an opportunity.

It is time to challenge yourself with the problem. let think that if you have a problem and then you can solve it. you will get the achievement for life. For example, My examination is coming soon. And I don’t know anything about it. In this case, the root cause is “ haven’t studied” after that you have to solve this problem by study hard and smart. In the exam, the period will be good preparation before that. The result depends on the activity you have done so far also. You may get a reward from your teacher or academic. Isn’t it the opportunity?

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