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[KIT] Top 5 best formula milk for babies

baby formula

As a mother, it might be hard to choose powder milk for her baby. Before you choose the right formula for your baby, you need to consider many factors, such as, the age and stage of your baby, what type of nutrition your child needs. These days, there are many milk powders available in the market. So, as a mother, you need to take extra caution when buying the product. In this article, we recommend 5 baby powder brands you can look into.

1. Nutricia dexolac (Up to 6 months)

This formula supports the growth and development of your baby. It contains proteins, nutrients that support the development of the brain, and a strong immune system. It also delivers optimal iron that may help prevent anemia and helps your child easy to digest.

2. Similac Advance

Similac Advance is designed closed to Breast milk. It consists of a lot of nutrition that supports the baby’s brain and eye development.  The power contains DHA, lutein, and vitamin E, ingredients found in breast milk that are important for helping support a baby’s brain and eye development. Also, there are no artificial growth hormones in the formula.

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