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[KIT] Top 6 YouTube channel for motivation

Often we need some inspiration to enhance our feeling of being better day by day as a person who lives in this world. These videos can often assist us to do work, research, study  and live with high productivity.

1 . Startup Stories

There are a lot of individuals in this tube channel to share experiences in their lives, such as Entrepreneurs, even billions in this channel. These educational videos inspire, empower , understand why they struggle to their, and the way they succeed in their life. This channel is supported  by 474K subscribers. 

2. Motivation Madness

Motivational and inspirational videos to help you guys through your life. Each video motivates all of you to overcome your feelings, dream big, pursue your dreams and don’t let anyone stop you. Trust yourself with a lot of advice to better your life.This channel is supported  by 2.11M subscribers. 

3. TEDx Talks 

This is a world famous youtube channel, in every video talk by famous people in the world, to talk about their experiences, to share information , knowledge , motivation. The way in which to live a healthy life. Find yourself, pursue your passion, your dream, drive yourself through this world to be a good person. This channel also tells you about their life that is worse than you and how they resolve it when you are depressed or dissatisfied with your life, everyone has to live with hope and smartly solve all the problems in life.This channel is supported  by 29.5M subscribers.

 4. Ben Lionel Scott 

It also helps us a lot in this channel, you have strong emotion whenever you hear his voice, and deep within his words, which encourage your feeling, motivate you to do your best, believe in yourself, never give up on what you want, change your mind and let you know that you can do everything that you want. When you’re dissatisfied with your life, you feel down. I suggest this channel to all of you.This channel is supported  by 1.56M subscribers. 

5. Motivation2Study 

With both a lack of motivation and mental health consciousness, this platform encourages, educates and supports all students of all ages. I highly recommend this platform to those of you who are at university because it allows you to learn how to inspire yourself to study. Each video is a short one, but it will push you into your dream, enhance your mental health, and live a healthier life. Your life is your choice don’t let others break you, to be you, to do your best.This channel is supported  by 2.89M subscribers. 

6. Team Fearless

This YouTube channel is highly recommended to all of you who live without hope, who are lazy, who feel down with themselves , it can help you, inspire you, encourage you to overcome your fear, nothing can stop you from achieving your goal. improve your mental health, your soul. 

All of this video will help all of you live with hope, encourage, inspire, empower, and add a safe life to your life.

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