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[KIT] Top University of Cambodia for Technical Learning

I suggest all of this university while you are still in high school and interested in technology and you can consider what your choice is to research. This is the top technology  college in Cambodia..

1 . American University of Phnom Penh (AUPP)

AUPP in Cambodia is a private university that offers high-quality education for students. It’s a university that has a high educational level. This university also gives scholarships to high school students who also have a successful degree.There are also majors at this university: sciences in Civil Engineering and Science in information Technology Management. For more information you can visit this website : http://www.aupp.edu.kh/

2. Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC)

ITC is a renowned university in Cambodia that offers high-quality engineering and technology education to students. Before enrolling at this university, we need to take a test. Have a major at this university:

  • Food Technology and Chemical Engineering
  • Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Rural Engineering
  • Electrical and Energy Engineering
  • Geo-Resources and Geotechnical Engineering
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Foundation Year (French and English sections)

Every year, the ITC also provides students with scholarships. You can visit this website for more information: http://www.itc.edu.kh/Paragon

3. international University

In Cambodia, Paragon International University is a private university that offers higher education. We need to take examinations at this university. This university is also a renowned private university in Cambodia with 2 faculties: Engineering, Information and Computer Technology For more information, visit this website: https://www.paragoniu.edu.kh/

4. Kirirom Institute of Technology (KIT)

KIT is a private Higher Education Institution. Sponsorship is being given by this organization as of now. Until enrolling in this college, you need to take an examination and interview. This institution offers a high-quality education that is full of experience for all professors. You still have the chance to work overseas, including in Japan. There is a big part of this Institute: Software Engineering. You can visit this website for more information: https://kit.edu.kh/  

5. Royal University of Phnom Penh ( RUPP)

RUPP is Phnom Penh’s oldest public university and provides high school students with scholarships every year. It is also a university with a lot of students pursuing different majors, and this university also has a College of Science and Engineering Faculty. You can visit this website for more information: http://www.rupp.edu.kh/

6. University of Cambodia (UC)

In Cambodia, UC is a private university that offers high quality education. This university also provides students with scholarships every year. This university has a science and technology department. You can visit this website for more information: http://www.uc.edu.kh/

I’m just giving all of you all this stuff, to know some basic information. You can visit their website if you want to know more about it and find valuable details such as tuition rates, services, scholarships, school addresses . All of you interested in that school should go to visit there and get more details after understanding the basics of this information.

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