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[KIT] Try this things after you get up in the morning

source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/dawn-fashion-man-woman-6948078/

  • Have a glass of water: You would not go a day without a drop of water so imagine how thirsty your body is after eight hours of snoozing. Not only will drinking water help you rehydrate, a small study has found that drinking 500ml of the stuff can boost your metabolism by 30 percent. Plus water makes up 50 to 80 percent of our body weight and every single cell, tissue and organ we are composed of requires it to function. consuming the right amount of water per day can boost energy, maintain brain function, regulate digestion and assist weight loss and maintenance.
  • Do a meditation: “Quieting the brain is a time-honored way to be more creative, more contemplative and more in touch with oneself,” Goodwin says. Some people might not necessarily feel an energy boost from meditating, but because it helps us to think more effectively and efficiently, it should make for a much more productive day.
  • Get outside in the sun: Want to make that early workout work even harder for you? Do it outside in the sun. Getting sunlight first thing in the morning tells your body clock it is time to start the day. There is an entire field of research (chronobiology) that shows light is what triggers the body to stop producing melatonin, the hormone that tells the body to sleep, and be more alert. (And conversely, experts know that not being exposed to enough natural light throughout the day can trigger mood problems like depression and low energy.) Studies show that using specifically time bright light therapy (with an artificial bright light) can yield some of the same benefits for your body clock as the sun does, if getting natural light is not an option — particularly for people with mood disorders, circadian rhythm disorders or jet lag. Though it is worth noting that not all artificial light has the same effect, so ask a doctor to find a safe and effective treatment before you try it.
  • Doing the exercise: Exercising in the morning gives your body a healthy kind of fatigue and stress at the end of the day which results in deeper and better sleep. Also, morning exercises affect not only the quality of your sleep, it also helps you get longer rests. Note that an exercise is a form of stress.
  • Take a few breaths: Stress has many effects on the body, one of which is decreased energy. So experts recommend starting the day with an easy, evidence-backed intervention: taking a few deep breaths. Although there are many in-depth breathing exercises and routines available through apps and on the internet, it really doesn’t take much. The researchers behind a recent study that mapped out the “how” of well-being suggest, for example, that simply closing your eyes and focusing on the act of taking a few breaths can be an effective way to slow down and to start to cultivate a sense of awareness.
  • Take a shower: This is one of the easiest things you can do, and it’s one of the most helpful! Taking a shower tells yourself that you’re here, you’re present, and you’re going to kick the shit out of the day the best you can. You’re showing up for yourself, not lounging around in your PJs for hours and hours.

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