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[KIT] Use UML diagram to visualize your program

People tend to more remember when they see the picture than the text or the voice so in order to make understanding between team in development software we need some diagram for programmer to visualize. In this article i will give a brief introduction about UML diagram.

What is UML diagram ?

UML (unified modeling language) it is a language representation in the form of picture that representation of class, method .. in oop concept.

UML was use for modeling the documenting the software to make the software easy to understand by developer or tester .

Why UML ??

Like a proverb said “a picture is worth a thousand words” so by while uml represent our code in a from of diagram it will be more easy for us to understand and find the erorr.

Some Importance symbol in UML

+ CLass

  • This box representation of class while the second block representation attribute and the last block representation of methods and functions.
  • Noted: <<className>> this is an interface or abstract class

for Example

  • Student is a class
  • Id, Name… are attribute because it is in attribute block
  • setName, getName are function
  • setClass return nothing and accept a parameter
  • getName : return a string


The signal before each Property and each function are the representation for the visibility for each property and function

“-“ stand for private

“+” stand for public

“~” stand for pakage that mean all the class in pakage can access.

“#” stand for protected


  • Relationship in UML diagram means it is the connection between the class or object . we can say that it is the way the classes connect to each others.
  • let’s see some symbol that representation of relationship in UML diagram

2.1. Extends

extends in oop(java) mean when the child class inherit from normal class we use ekeyword extends to allow child to use parent class attribute

In this picture we can say that class wood door extends abstract class door.

2.2. Implementation

  • implementation we use this keyword when we want one class to use all the attribute and methods that belong to an interface
  • in this example we can say that studentSecB class implement student interface

2.3 Association

it is a just a normal relationship between 2 class in simple way we can say when the instance of one class was initialize in one class or object of one class was create in one class

  • in this example we can say that Student SecB has a association with classroom class that mean the instance or object of StudentSecB will be initialize in classroom

2.4 Aggregation

  • aggregation is when one class is represent a group of another class
  • in this picture we can say that student and classroom class have aggregation that mean classroom it is a group of student

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