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[KIT] Welcome To Event Distributor

Let us introduce you all to our company, this called Event Distributor. We have been focusing on mostly are events that our clients needs. The purpose of our company is to bring everyone up to date and never miss any important things that might not able to reach them. So we are here to help you get out from the lag of events. We can’t promise to bring you all the event that you want but we can promise that you will not miss the specific events that might be more important that your want. This is our website that you can easily access and spend less than 10s to load. As of now we still in developing mode. So everything might not smooth and fluence as our plan.


Like the above image, it shows about our home page that was just our planning to do. We will bring the new UI and UX as soon as our website working. We believe that it gonna be useful for everyone.
We form a team to create this website and bring up this idea with these 5 members.

To bring everyone the best thing, we spend our time and effort to make it for everyone who thinks that events are really important to make them succeed or gain more experiences. From our experiences, we had faced the feeling of missing the events that we want so much in the past such as the seminar, the opening event, and other events. Some are not only events but also the programs or public ceremonies that require us to join. We will make everyone feeling connected with the world. First, we focus on events in the internal but we will expand more to the abroad that people will easily find in just one click. They can do use our site to collect every event and put it into a queue that will remind you directly to your phone event offline. The free registers will be unlimited use for everyone but in one condition that people should review our site 3 times a week. If you have visited us every day for every 6 months you will get the premium plan for 3 days. The free register is nothing but every general and special event was included. People will get the news they want by filling the survey. And our program will finalize the needs of our customers and generate the type of movie they need on our website. Also, Everyone has a chance to use free but not fully function such as the private events were not include in the free. Some of the events will be sold, if you join as the premium you will get a free ticket for 10 events per month. You will get more benefits if you were a part of premium plans. Sign up now and get more benefits from now on and no fear to lose any idea in competition.


Let participate and get close to your dream. Click on sign-in now to make your life up to date. One-click and you will get one good life forever. Don’t forget to follow each of the programs and events to keep you away from loneliness..

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