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[KIT] Why do you need FlipClass service?

The purpose of education is to give as much as knowledge to everyone. Although students don’t learn in the classroom, it’s not mean they cannot get knowledge. Because of interesting cases, nowadays a lot of private schools are opened and let students get knowledge, which we call types of this study is non-formal education. So we decided to make a FlipClass service for students to discuss among their friends or informal teachers. FlipClass is a virtual class that collects all non-formal education forms to discuss their ideas to make sure the idea is right. 

Firstly, FlipClass in non-formal education helped to save time. Students needn’t have to go to school, sit and listen to their teacher for a long time every day. When students want to get knowledge and spend little time, they just go to outside class and spend only one to two hours per day and they will get knowledge as they learned at school. Moreover, for employees who want to improve their knowledge they can spend their free time studying. They didn’t need to go to school or university, sit and tolerate the lessons you don’t want. They just used our service to clarify some points when they are not clear with their advisor in this service without traveling to school and wasting a lot of time. 

Secondly, fast developing, non-formal education helped students to improve their ability faster than usual because when students didn’t like the teacher at their school, they couldn’t do anything and just sat down and put up with their teacher’s action. When students don’t love their teacher, how can they understand their teacher’s lessons? However, FlipClass can help to solve these problems through students can choose teachers they like and study with. When they feel good with their teacher, they can focus more on lessons and ease to understand. Finally, having more chances to study abroad, as everyone knows public school or we call formal education cannot give scholarship information as much as we need, yet when we study outside we can know more about the information and have more opportunity to go overseas. This is all about FlipClass.

 All in all, FlipClass is vitally important because it helps students to save more time, improve their knowledge faster and have more opts to go overseas. In my opinion, education has only one main purpose: to give knowledge to people if people can learn, people shouldn’t mind about formal or non-formal education because all of it also helped us to achieve our goal as well.

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